Avoiding contagion 100% is almost impossible. The strategy is to flatten the curve so as not to saturate the health system.

According to CNN's Dr. Jaime Huertas, 90% of the population will become infected sooner or later.

Quarantine is not to avoid, but to slow the spread and reduce the viral load.
Ideally, create immunity in most of the population. There are two ways. With a vaccine that does not yet exist, or create immunity in a normal way.

Creating a vaccine takes 3-5 years, according to experts. If a rush vaccine comes out, watch out? It would not have a reliable spectrum of results in a heterogeneous population and could be worse than the same disease.

Natural immunity occurs when you become infected and the immune system produces the antibodies that kill the virus.

There are two concepts that are important to differentiate: infection and disease. They are not the same. Getting infected means that the virus has entered your body. The degree of the disease is the amount of damage caused by the infection.

We have two scenarios: on the one hand, the virus will try to multiply and on the other, the immune system will try to avoid damage, slowing down and fighting the infection.

The immune system has two parts: the * innate * immune system and the * adaptive * immune system.

The innate part is the first part that reacts to infection, to slow down or resist the multiplication of viruses.

Then the adaptive part acts, which is what finally ends the viruses.

The innate immune system can slow down the growth of the infection, through cells such as macrophages, Natural Killer cells and T lymphocytes, since these can kill infected cells, where viruses multiply. Analogically imagine that an infected cell is like a honeycomb full of bee larvae, bees are viruses. Innate system weapons are capable of removing honeycombs, but are not capable of removing free bees. It would be like defending yourself from a swarm with a gun. The innate immune system works by reducing the viral load to the maximum of what it can.

While this battle is going on, the T lymphocytes, which are like the detectives of our defenses, are studying the new virus, to find the antibody, which will directly attack the virus. This will take a while, but once achieved, the T lymphocytes send the information to the B lymphocytes, which are the manufacturers of weapons, they will begin to produce enormous amounts of antibodies and in a day or two, very violently, the viruses will be defeated.

Once this happens, the recovery stage comes. Regenerate damaged tissues, heal, clean debris from the disaster scene, deflate, etc.

According to CNN's Dr. Huertas, of every 100 people confirmed with Covid-19 (does not include those who never had an exam), approximately 80, will be asymptomatic or will experience a mild or moderate cold that does not warrant hospitalization. Another 20 if they will need hospitalization, of which 5 will have to enter intensive care. Of these 5, 2 or 3 they will die.


The question is: Where in the statistics do I want to be, if I catch it? Can I do something to change my forecast? The answer is yes. In short, we need to weaken the virus and strengthen the immune system.

1. * Minimize viral load contagion. *

When the virus enters the body, its growth will have an exponential development. Every so often, the viral load is going to double. As long as the viral load does not reach sensitive levels, it is said to be incubating. For the Covid-19, it is estimated to be 5.1 days on average. But there are people who have manifested symptoms in 2 days and others in 14 days and even more. What does this depend on? Of the viral load of contagion. If you got X amount of virus, your incubation period will be different than if you got 10X or 100X. The incubation period will be inversely proportional to the viral load of contagion. More viral load, is time gained for the virus and lost time for the immune system.

It is here where the importance of the sanitary measures recommended by the authorities is manifested: hand washing, distancing, isolation, mouth covers, etc.

It is not only a question of avoiding, but also of minimizing the viral load of contagion, and consequently the incubation period.

2. Strengthen the immune system. *

The immune system, like any part of our body, depends largely on two factors, the quality of Nutrition and the decrease in contaminants.

A well-nourished person will have better defenses than a poorly nourished one. But good nutrition implies providing the body with an adequate quantity and variety of nutrients, so that our body has the raw materials necessary to manufacture the biochemical compounds it needs. The demand for inputs from our immune system increases with increasing activity. Nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc, easily absorbed, will be of great help to improve the immune response.

On the other hand, the amount of pollutants must be reduced. A person who smokes or has smoked is known to be in an unfavorable condition against the coronavirus. People with diseases that lower the immune system, either due to the effect of the disease itself, or the use of immunosuppressive drugs, are also at higher risk. The consumption of antioxidant nutrients to combat the action of free radicals is of utmost importance.

I hope friends that this is useful to you.



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